EAI offers school holiday social programs to children and teens who are still attending school. These are split into two groups, primary school aged children, and high school aged teens. These programs are designed to give children and teens a social outlet whilst they are on school holidays. It is also an avenue for them to develop and improve their social skills in alternate environments. The programs are set before the school holidays and families are requested to book in their children, so numbers can be finalised and adjusted where needed.
The programs contain a mixture of community based activities, recreational activities held at Amaroo House and daily living skills. These programs generally run 9am – 3pm, or 8.30am – 3.30pm with transport.
The recreation programs are held one Saturday per month during the school term. These programs are run similarly to the School Holiday programs and are designed to meet several needs for children and teens. These programs are generally run 10am – 4pm, or 9.30am – 4.30pm with transport.
Both of these programs also offer transport from a central Penrith pick up point, to Amaroo House in Richmond.
These programs can be billed out of NDIS plans, as long as the appropriate cluster is funded.
If you have any further questions or are interested in either of these programs please contact Jodie York at the office on 02 4577 2150 or jyork@empowerability.org.au